Become an Initiator and participate in the internationalisation of a growing Swiss company. By becoming a shareholder of the company, you contribute to the development of our projects and the promotion of Swiss mechanical watchmaking.

Our main objective for 2023 is to develop our direct online sales as well as our international presence via partners. We are currently working on a boutique-workshop concept, and are in advanced discussions with several partners concerning franchises abroad. We are also in discussion with several international resellers !

years of experience
organized workshops
0 K+
assembled watches
0 K+
Mathieu Gigandet et Gilles Francfort

In a market as polysaturated as watchmaking, successfully launching a new brand is a perilous, long-term challenge. To achieve this, we have chosen to differentiate ourselves radically by placing the customer at the center of the experience.

Mathieu Gigandet & Gilles Francfort, Founders of Initium


By becoming a shareholder of Initium Holding SA, you are investing in our existing workshops, our online offerings and in any future development of the company.

Share(s) at 1.60 CHF

Price increase to CHF 1.40 on 23 August 2022 at 09:00.


up to 999 shares

Investor certificate

Access to our private Slack community

Information Insider

Invitations to Initiators events


1000 to 9999 shares

Investor certificate

Access to our private Slack community

Information Insider

Invitations to Initiators events

10% discount on all our products


+10’0000 actions

Investor certificate

Access to our private Slack community

Information Insider

Invitations to Initiators events

20% discount on all our products

What needs does Initium meet?

The growing interest of new generations in watches is partly explained by the omnipresence of digital technology in their lives. A quality mechanical watch is a counterpoint to the programmed obsolescence and intangibility of the digital world. Taking time for oneself and creating a lasting object in one’s own image: that’s the need we think we’re meeting.
It’s interesting to note that of the three thousand or so participants who have made a watch in our workshops to date, not one has asked us how and at what price to resell it. An Initium watch isn’t something to be sold or kept in a safe – it’s something to be worn with pride!

Why invest in Initium?

Take part in an entrepreneurial project

Taking part in an entrepreneurial project is an inclusive adventure, since you’re directly involved in its development.
In fact, a small business that’s still developing is always open to advice and improvements. That is why Initium has decided that by becoming an Initiator, you have the power to make decisions. This is of course proportional to the percentage of shares invested.

Contribute to the development of Initium

By becoming a shareholder of Initium, you participate in the development of an innovative company and ambassador of Swiss watchmaking. After seven years in our core business – watchmaking workshops – we decided to diversify our offer. This is being done through several international development projects. Projects that we are able to implement thanks to the support and commitment of our 400 Initiators.

Receive 5% in shares when you refer someone

We are fortunate to have the support of many investors involved in Initium. They admire and are enthusiastic about our concept and our projects and talk about us to others. This is why we have decided to reward their loyalty by introducing a sponsorship scheme. By referring your friends and family, you will receive 5% in shares of the total invested by the people you refer.

Benefit from exclusive information

Young and dynamic, the Initium team is committed to including all Initiators directly in its communication. Through our discussion platform and private newsletters, we inform our initiators in advance. This includes progress on our projects, announcing exclusive offers and promotions, sharing our ideas and much more. This exclusive information is passed on to our investment community well before it is made public.

Join an engaging community

Since the launch of our crowd investing campaign in January 2021, we have gathered more than 400 investors, mainly in Switzerland but also abroad. We are proud to see this community growing day by day, contributing to our expansion.

Our Initiators are more than shareholders: they are ambassadors, influencers, and decision-makers. We collect their opinions and inform them in advance via our community platform – a cross-sectional space for free exchange.

Why crowdinvesting?

Crowd investing is a model of participatory financing through which the contributor acquires shares in the company in exchange for financial participation. We have chosen this innovative concept because we are keen to include both novices and watch enthusiasts in our exciting adventure.

Thanks to the enthusiasm of our valued investors, whom we call Initiators, we have made our flagship projects a reality, such as our watch kit that allows you to assemble your watch at home, our new range of components produced within fifty kilometres of our headquarters, and our new website with the 3D configurator.

Genesis of the project

Our advisors

Franck Muller

Entrepreneur & Production Manager
We benefit from the expertise and experience of Franck Müller (not to be confused with the founder of the eponymous brand), founder of The Bridge to Luxury, an international consulting firm that supports companies in the high-end sector. He has accompanied a number of successful luxury companies such as the renowned brands A. Lange & Söhne, Glashütte Original and the Swatch Group AG in Switzerland, of which he was a member of the extended management. Lange & Söhne, Glashütte Original and the Swatch Group AG in Switzerland, where he was a member of the extended management. Working with Franck Müller is a real opportunity for Initium as it continues its quest for progress and excellence.

Antonio Seward

Currently based in Spain, Antonio has had a long international career with Audemars Piguet. He was CEO Americas when Gilles met him while working for Manufacture du Brassus. Since 2021, when he joined Initium as an investor, we have been fortunate to be able to rely on his experience and recommendations on corporate strategy, as well as his astute contacts in the watchmaking world.